If i ever feel better 2: 見えない主題

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jeudi 29 juin 2006

Consumerist madness

I could restrain myself this morning. So just as I woke up, I had to buy something on Amazon.fr. I can't help it, I love it.

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dimanche 25 juin 2006

Good news everyone !

Except for one bad news, I'll start again to believe that my favorite serie is back...

samedi 24 juin 2006

DS Lite and so more

Recently playing on brand new DS Lite, I couldn't help but notice the slight changes to come, that'll bring us a very valuable handled console...

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dimanche 18 juin 2006

Which file extension am I ?

You are .pdf  No matter where you go you look the same.  You are an acrobat.  Nothing is more important to you than the printed word.
Which File Extension are You?

Wicked, and I don't know if it is good or bad for me.

mardi 13 juin 2006

Der Shroëdinger Katz

Merely "not in the mood"

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samedi 10 juin 2006

10 juin 2006

The posting date for headline just betray the very lack of motivation about finding something way more original. Because I just want to talk about all and nothing...

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mercredi 7 juin 2006

Wii, the yes, need the no, to wii, against the no

Recents revelations about the Wii just make me have more interest in it: Advanced online features, cheap retro-gaming I hope, suggested "indie-game like" content, gameplay possibilities, etc.

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samedi 3 juin 2006

"Everyone know that it's a dangerous substance"

I'll offer a (virtual) beer to anyone who could tell me where the quoted title come from (a game). This title come to me from P.K.Dick, whom one book is called "Substance rêve" in french, and because, it's what I want to talk about.

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